THE ICEHOUSEis an online collective of indie creators. Our principle purpose is to gather together talented but currently unknown artists who share common ideas. Please have a look around, find out more about our projects of games, comic books and more, and if you have a personal project that is self-made with love, maybe we can work together? Ask us anything! is our 2015 demo, based on projects of indie games and short films from 2015, 2014 and before. You can find more details about our projects on our site, that is updated several times a week with news from our Members.At this day (February 2015), we are 5 permanent Members:Simon Says: Watch! Play! ( Cat ( (our manager)Ape Marina ( Studios ( follow us to learn more about these artists and their projects! Thank you!Music Sun Rays by SaReGaMa
Hi. My name is Nice Peter, and this is a song about a sunflower, that isn't quite finished, and I'd like your help in finishing it. Open your mind, let it out, write anything you want, and I'll take bits and pieces from anything that fits and fill out the second verse so we can have a whole song. At least I think thats how it might work. k. see you soon, - nice peter
Offizielle Webseite: Besucht uns auf Facebook: Erlebe den brandneuen Gameplay Trailer von Rayman Legends!
Hi. My name is Nice Peter, and this is a song about a sunflower, that isn't quite finished, and I'd like your help in finishing it. Open your mind, let it out, write anything you want, and I'll take bits and pieces from anything that fits and fill out the second verse so we can have a whole song. At least I think thats how it might work. k. see you soon, - nice peter
BITTE LESEN!! Da es immer wieder zu missverständnissen kommt ,DAS ist ein Fanmadetrailer von mir ( Filmmaterial und die Musik selbst jedoch nicht xD ). Und Death Note lief noch nie im Free TV und in vorhersehbarer Zeit erstmal auch nicht. Nicht das es im nachhinein noch entäuschte gesichter gibt :D -------------------- ist erst mein 2 projekt und hoffe deswegen das ihr das nicht so streng sieht^^. es sind mir ein paar fehler untergelaufen ,aber da das rendern so lange gedauert hatte ,hatte ich erhlich gesagt keine lust mehr es zu ändern^^ nNatürlich habe ich auch darauf geachtet ,nicht zu spoilern ,für die ,die noch nie Death note geguckt haben^-^ . also bitte bewerten und kommentieren ,thx anime: death note programm : sony vegas pro 9 editor : meisterdetektiv(v) musik : (am anfang) This war is our- escape the fate ;;; (hauptteil)Death note theme song edit: wow über 5000 views :O DANKE EUCH MEINE LIEBEN ZUSCHAUER :) edit2: wow ,über 10.000 views O.O danke euch ^.^